Post about "planet fitness"

Alternative Methods – 3 Alternative Fitness Tips

Surely you’ve heard the saying “an apple a day keeps this doctor away”. Sadly, it isn’t as easy as that. If that were the case, America would be one of the healthiest nations on Earth instead of one of the most obese. A person needs to partake in physical activity to establish a healthy living and, more importantly, a healthy body. With that being said, heading to the gym on a regular basis and exercising alone can be hard to do and gets boring fast. Fortunately for you, there are new and fun alternative fitness workouts that are readily available and do the job just as well.

Dancing is a good way to burn up to 380 calories an hour. Many different forms of dancing has made its way to fitness clubs everywhere. It’s an enjoyable way to stay in shape and blow off some steam. Ballroom dancing like Salsa and Tango are becoming more popular. Belly dancing, strip tease, pole dancing, and hip hop dancing are wildly successful and classes are filling up left and right. You’ll dance to the popular music you would hear on the radio and in clubs which makes it easier to enjoy. Many celebrities have their own video work out routine with these styles which makes it more popular. Not only will you feel better about yourself, but you can impress onlookers and your significant other with the moves you learn and the great body you develop as a result.

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) workouts can burn up to 680 calories an hour and is one the most recognizable workouts and fighting sports in America thanks to the UFC. MMA is a full combat contact sport that incorporates the use of all of your limbs as you will perform grappling, boxing, and other forms of striking. This is a perfect workout for the aggressive individual and you will surely succeed in the cage.

If dancing and brawling aren’t your thing, maybe you should consider joining a local sports team. Soccer and basketball leagues are popping up at rec centers all across the country and offer a good, competitive way of staying and shape while having fun at the same time. The key to fitness for many is to have fun while working out. If soccer and basketball don’t catch your attention, swimming offers a great way to work out the entire body. With just 30 minutes of vigorous swimming, you can burn up to 400 calories. Who doesn’t enjoy swimming?

Another form of alternative fitness is bicycling. This type of workout can give you great endurance if done right and offers a relaxing way to approach your fitness. Bicycling is a great alternative to running as it’s less harmful on our bodies, because like swimming, it isn’t an impact activity. This is perfect for those who suffer from ligament damage, knee injuries, or any other type of injury that limits what you’re able to do to stay in shape.